Mi sono innamorato di te

Luigi Tenco - 1962

Mi sono innamorato di te
perché non avevo niente da fare:
il giorno volevo qualcuno da incontrare,
la notte volevo qualcosa da sognare…

Mi sono innamorato di te
perché non potevo più stare solo:
il giorno volevo parlare dei miei sogni,
la notte parlare d’amore…

Ed ora che avrei mille cose da fare,
io sento i miei sogni svanire ma,
non so più pensare a nient’altro che a te…

Mi sono innamorato di te
e adesso non so neppur io cosa fare:
il giorno mi pento d’averti incontrata
la notte
ti vengo a cercare…

I've Fallen in Love with You

Translated by: Francesco Ciabattoni

I have fallen in love with you
because I had nothing to do
during day I wanted to someone to hang out with
during the night I wanted something to dream of

I have fallen in love with you
because I could not be alone anymore
during the day I wanted to speak of my dreams
during the night to speak of love

And now that I have a thousand things to do
I can feel my dreams vanish
but I can no longer think
of anything but you

I have fallen in love with you
and now I don’t even know what to do
during the day I regret to have met you
during the night I come looking for you.

talk about love And now I’d have a thousand things to do I can feel my dreams fade away but I can’t think of anything else but you I’ve fallen in love with you and now I don’t even know what to do by day I regret having met you by night I come looking for you