Viva l’Italia

Francesco De Gregori (1979)

Viva l’Italia l’Italia liberata
L’Italia del valzer e l’Italia del caffè
L’Italia derubata e colpita al cuore
Viva l’Italia l’Italia che non muore

Viva l’Italia presa a tradimento
L’Italia assassinata dai giornali e dal cemento
L’Italia con gli occhi asciutti nella notte scura
Viva l’Italia l’Italia che non ha paura

Viva l’Italia l’Italia che è in mezzo al mare
L’Italia dimenticata e l’Italia da dimenticare
L’Italia metà giardino e metà galera
Viva l’Italia l’Italia tutta intera

Viva l’Italia l’Italia che lavora
L’Italia che si dispera l’Italia che si innamora
L’Italia metà dovere e metà fortuna
Viva l’Italia l’Italia sulla luna

Viva l’Italia l’Italia del 12 dicembre
L’Italia con le bandiere l’Italia nuda come sempre
L’Italia con gli occhi aperti nella notte triste
Viva l’Italia l’Italia che resiste

Translated by:

Long live Italy, liberated Italy,
Italy of the waltz and the Italy of coffee
robbed Italy, and hit in the heart,
long live Italy, Italy that does not die.

Long live Italy, taken treacherously,
Italy murdered by newspapers and concrete,
Italy with dried eyes in the darkest night,
long live Italy, Italy that is so brave.

Long live Italy, the Italy that is high at sea,
the forgotten Italy and the Italy to forget,
Italy, half garden and half prison,
long live Italy, the whole of Italy.

Long live Italy, the Italy that works hard,
Italy that despairs and Italy that falls in love,
Italy half duty and half luck,
long live Italy, Italy on the moon.

Long live Italy, Italy of December 12th,
Italy with the flags, naked Italy as always,
Italy with open eyes in the saddest night,
Long live Italy, the Italy that resists.