A teenage boy named Chaim wrote a letter that he tossed over the barbwired fence prior to his death at the hands of his Nazi captors in 1944. Ivan del Mea transformed the letter into a song in 1965. The song was reintroduced by the Gorizia band Zuf de Zur who covered it. The somber cadence of the song reminds one of the weight of the events surrounding Chaïm’s internment, all he had seen and all he had lost. This letter served as his final goodbye prior to his murder at the young age of 14.

Lettera a Chaïm

Ivan Della Mea - 1965

Se il cielo fosse bianco di carta
e tutti i mari neri d’inchiostro,
non saprei dire a voi miei cari
quanta tristezza ho in fondo al cuore,
quale è il pianto, quale il dolore intorno a me…

Si sveglia l’alba nel livore
di noi sparsi per la foresta
a tagliar legna seminudi,
coi piedi torti e sanguinanti:
ci han levato scarpe e mantelli,
dormiamo in terra…

Quasi ogni notte come un rito
ci danno la sveglia a bastonate,
Franz ride e lancia una carota
e noi come larve affamate
ci si contende, unghie e denti,
l’ultima foglia…

Due ragazzi sono fuggiti,
ci hanno raccolti in un quadrato,
uno su cinque han fucilato…
Ma anche se io non ero il quinto,
non ha domani questo campo,
e io non vivo…

Questo è l’addio a tutti voi
genitori cari,
fratelli amici,
vi saluto e piango…


Letter to Chaïm

Translated by: Billy Ewell

If the sky were white as paper
and if all the seas were as black as ink,
I couldn’t describe to you, my dearest
the sadness I feel in my heart,
the tears and sorrow all around me.

The day wakes up in grey luminosity
of us, scattered in the forest,
half-naked, cutting timber
with twisted, bleeding feet
They took away our shoes and coats
We sleep on the ground

Every night, like in a ritual,
they wake us up with wooden sticks
Franz laughs and throws us a carrot and we, like hungry larvae,
fight with our nails and teeth
to grab the tiniest leaf.

Two boys fled,
they gathered us in the square
and shot every fifth of us…
but even if I was not the fifth
this camp has no future
and I won’t live

This is my goodbye to you all
my dear mother and father
my brothers and friends
I say goodbye to you and I cry
